Monday 9th May
10am - 3pm
Stepping Stones is a very special place for anyone experiencing challenges to their mental, physical or emotional well-being.
Emotional First Aid, The Science of Happiness, Food and Mood, Self Compassion, Singing for fun. We offer these and MANY more FREE courses to inspire you with hope and help you to grow..
Come and find out about all the FREE courses and workshops we offer to anyone aged over 18 years.
Receive a fabulous FREE Well-being pack
full of lovely things to calm and support you
How to find us?
Opposite the library – just follow the flags and bunting!!
The Court House, Broadway, Bracknell, Berkshire. RG12 1AE
How to find us? Opposite the library – just follow the flags and bunting!!
The Court House, Broadway, Bracknell, Berkshire. RG12 1AE, 01344 300333