We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable time over the last couple of weeks? Thank you to everyone who sent us Christmas cards and treats, we are grateful you took the time to think of us over the festive period.
We have especially enjoyed the Wednesday drop-in sessions over the last 4 weeks, with some fun films, games, great company and lots of food! Now for the new year diet...
We have lots coming up in the first few weeks of the year and have been particularly busy getting ready for the Spring term which starts next week! Remember to get yourselves booked on the courses you wish to attend. We have some exciting new courses this term, so even more opportunities for you to learn and grow.
We hope you enjoy this edition, and please let us know if there is anything you would like us to cover in future editions?
Happier January!
Beat the January blues with a Happier January calendar of actions from Action for Happiness.

Happiness Hub community cart
in the Lexicon
