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Make a Bangle in a Day

Single Workshop Wednesday 12th June. 2pm-6pm. South Hill Park

  • South Hill Arts Centre

Available spots

Course / Workshop Content

**Please book this course directly with the office either by email or by phone** This workshop is only for students who have completed the Foundations of Recovery course. Who is this for? This class is for anyone interested in learning the basic skills used for jewellery and precious metal work. No previous experience is needed. What will I learn? You will learn all the basic skills used in Jewellery making and precious metal work such as cutting the right amount of metal (a small amount of maths will be used but nothing complicated and help is available) Once we have this information you will learn how to cut, file, bend and texture precious metal then go on using blow torches to solder and then sand and polish. All the basic skills needed to make jewellery. How can I use what I’ve learnt? In the wider world the techniques used for jewellery are used in everything from car manufacture, computer construction to small engineering work. At its basic level you will understand how to use hand tools, what a jeweller does, how precious metal works and how to use these properties for further work. But it will also help in opening your eyes to other potential areas for art and craft and using the skills you pick up for ceramic, glass, 2D art etc. Learning about precious metal as well as copper/brass (non-ferrous metals) has led to students going on into computer work, plumbing, engineering and design relate industries, also a large number taking up jewellery making as a side line or their primary source of income. NB. In this class we will be hammering, using a gas forge and a number of hand tools. Although this class is open to all, those who find loud noises, fire, small working spaces or have hand mobility issues might want to check with Stepping stones for clarification of how suitable it is for you.

Course dates

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a workshop, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer your place to someone else. Thank you.

Contact Details

  • South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell, UK

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